The Way We Were
Christmas Formal
Guess Who?
Jackie, Patti and Rolean 10 years ago
How many of these little beauties can you name?
Ann landers with Kathy and Carol
Washington School 6th grade girls:
#1: Bottom row: Ann Vollrath, Bonnie Buesing, Ellen Eder, Jackie Walter. Top row: ?, Patti Schuman, Sheryl Kau, Valeta Johnson, Barb Wandry.
#2: Ann Vollrath, Patti Schumann, Bonnie Buesing, Ellen Eder.
Holy Name Girls, Joanne Zohlen, Mary Jane Hameister, Jill Meyer, Laura Loebbaka, Pat Butzen, Marilyn Neumann
Golfers Ann Vollrath, Carol Imig and Carol Carpenter
4th Grade Grant School. Lots of familiar faces!
Ann Vollrath, Tom Koehler Confirmation
Camp Evelyn H...Patti Schumann, Ann Vollrath, Bonnie Mohr. Do you know any of these other girls?
Washington Girls Glee Club
Washington DC trip
Ann Vollrath, Roxy Minster, Kathy DeZeeuw
Roxy Minster, Carol Carpenter, Ann Vollrath, Bonnie Buesing, Kathy DeZeeuw, and Ellen Eder
Jackie Robinson and Ron Rabinovitz. Ron's 10th birthday party in Milwaukee.
Jackie Robinson and friends--Ron Rabinovitz and John Steinbrueker
Jackie Robinson with the Rabinovitz family--Judi, Ron and their father.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church confirmation class of 1959
Washington Boys Chorus 1959 pianist John Mather,Charles Born, Erwin Ney, Wayne Rindt, Fred Lea, Tom Beaumont, Frank Baumann, Dennis Mickelson, Ken Hlinak, James Matzdorf, John Christiansen, Philip Rauwerdink, Barry Goodstein, Gunther Binkowsky, Jack Dahler
Elkhart Lake Cookout 1963
Last day of carpool, 1963 Carol Imig, Patti Schmitt, Valeta Johnson, Sheryl Kau at Ann Huenink's house
North - South basketball game pre-party at Ann Huenink's house, 1963
Senior girls at Homecoming party, Huenink house, 1963
Homecoming Party at Huenink's, 1963. There's a car under there!
(Click on an image to view at full size.)